The Commodities Home Page provides an overview of the tasks that need to be completed on the platform. From the Home Page you can validate your customers, navigate to your customer Policy questions, upload your completed Declaration volume templates, and access archived surveys from your 2023 survey submissions.
Validate customers
Prior to accessing the Policy questions and Declaration volume reporting spreadsheets, you must validate the list of customers associated with your account.
For each commodity there is a drop-down list of Customers. You must specify 'No' or 'Yes' to having supplied the listed customer(s) the associated commodity. If you DID NOT supply a commodity to a listed customer you must submit an exclusion request.
Yes - we did supply to the listed customer(s)
1. Select all customers from the drop down list that you supplied the commodity to.
2. On the slide over, select 'Yes'. (Do this for all listed commodities.)
3. At the bottom of the page, select 'Complete'
4. You will now be redirected back to the Home Page. The Home Page displays how many customers you have left to validate. If you did not supply to listed customers you will need to go back into the 'Validate customers' area and submit an exclusion request.
No - we did not supply to listed customer(s)
To request an exclusion you need to:
1. Go back into the Validate customers area.
2. For each commodity listed, select the company names that you do not serve the commodity to, and select 'No'
3. You will be asked to provide an exclusion reason.
4. At the bottom of the page, select 'Complete'.
5. You will now be redirected back to the Home Page.
All validations should now be complete. You are able to procced to Policy questions for your customer(s) and are able to download, complete, and submit your volume Declaration(s).
6. 3Keel will review you exclusion request and respond to you in due course.
Policy questions
Select '
Policy questions' to go to the table overview. The policy questions table provides further information on the status of your customer policy questions and the actions you need to take.
Archived surveys
Access that years' submitted commodity policy questions for your related customers. These are in 'read only' mode, however should you be happy with answers from 2023 you can import them into this years' commodity customer questions. Access further information
Commodity declarations
The declaration page enables you to download the volume reporting spreadsheet, and re-upload the completed declaration for each commodity associated with your account.