Livestock Producer / Integrated Supply Chain / Feed Buyer
Please complete the 'livestock producer' tab if you have access to any information about the breakdown of soy in your feed.
Information you will need to submit in this tab includes:
● Sustainable soy commitments adopted by your company for animal feed/soy
● Certification status of your production sites feeding animals.
● Feed consumed by company-relevant livestock that are used in the products you supply us. Data must include:
○ Name of the feed supplier.
○ Name of the company importing the soy to Europe (if different).
○ Total tonnage of meat/dairy/eggs/fish supplied, by type of protein. This should only be the volume that is used specifically in our products, not across your entire operations.
○ Total feed used to produce relevant protein (meat/dairy/eggs/fish) and associated soy content per tonne.
Country of origin of soy and sub-national origin if available (e.g., state or
If you are a packer or conglomerate, the information you
will need to submit to complete your soy and feed declaration includes:
● Sustainable soy commitments adopted by your company for animal feed (e.g., commitment to zero-net deforestation soy by 2020, signatory to the Statement of Support for the Cerrado Manifesto, etc.)
● Soy sourcing practices used by your suppliers. Data must include:
○ Name of the feed supplier.
○ Name of the company importing the soy to Europe (if different).
○ Total tonnage of meat/dairy/eggs/fish supplied, by type of protein.
○ Total feed used to produce relevant protein (meat/dairy/eggs/fish) and associated soy content per tonne.
○ Country of origin of soy and sub-national origin if available (e.g., state or municipality).
Soy certification status.
Ingredient user / Manufacturer
Information you will need to submit in this tab includes:
● Sustainable soy commitments adopted by your company for animal feed/soy (e.g., commitment to zero-net deforestation soy by 2020, signatory to the Statement of Support for the Cerrado Manifesto, etc.)
● Product list supplied to retailer, manufacturer or hospitality company and supplied meat/dairy/eggs/fish volumes including the customer product reference number.
● Supplier list per protein (meat/dairy/eggs/fish) supplied to each retailer.