To complete your declarations on the 3Keel Commodities Platform, you must download the Declaration templates for your associated commodities, complete the declaration and upload into the Declaration submission area. Declarations can be downloaded as soon as the portal opens.
You need to complete one Declaration form per commodity, containing the information you would like to submit for all of your customer(s). (Whereas Policy questions are per customer you supply to, for each commodity.)
Please do not start your declaration forms until the new year, as you are being asked to report on all products sold to your customers between 1st January and 31st December 20224. The deadline date for submitting your Declaration(s) is 24th January 2025.
The Home Page provides a visual count of the completed Commodity Declarations uploaded.
Declaration Area
Downloading your Declaration template
Downloading your Declaration template is simple. Simply select 'Download Declaration Template' listed under the Commodity type heading associated with your account.
Both 'Feed' and 'Non Feed' volume reporting are submitted through the same Spreadsheet. The tabs at the bottom within the Excel Spreadsheet differentiate between 'Feed' and 'Non Feed' questions.
Download last years (2023) submission
To support you in completing this years volume Declaration questions, you can download from the Declaration area your relevant commodity submission from 2023 that was submitted through this portal.
Select 'Download completed 2023 declaration file'.
Uploading Documentation
Uploading your Declaration
All documentation can be uploaded by 'drag and drop' or 'Select file'. More than one Declaration can be uploaded.
The upload area for Declarations is just below the 'Download Declaration Template' area.
Uploading Supporting Documentation for Soy (and/or) Palm oil
For Soy and Palm Oil we kindly ask that you upload any supporting evidence you have relating to the Commodity you are submitting the declaration for. Multiple files can be added in the 'Evidence' section.
Soy has two separate evidence sections. Please upload evidence under Soy separately for 'Soy Certification' and Soy Origin'.
Changing Uploaded Documents
Once you have uploaded attachments, you can can make changes by deleting uploads and replacing uploads.
Hover over the document for the 'bin' to appear, which will remove documents. Select the 'file' to upload additional documents.
Common errors
There are several reasons why you may be presented with an error code when you attempt to upload a document:
- You are attempting to upload the document from 2023 (you must use this years Excel spreadsheet or you will be unable to upload your Declaration).
- You have changed the original formatting for the columns in the Spreadsheet.
- Uploading the incorrect Declaration to a commodity declaration upload area.
- Uploading an empty file.
Please contact our support team at if you need further help with uploading your declaration file(s).